Samstag, 24. Mai 2008

one-way day - a film made in 36 hours (2008)

No matter how bad your day is - there is always something much worse happening to somebody else at the same time.

The alarm clock rings, but an hour too late. It's the start of a new day that will bring one disaster after another to our protagonist. As another car driver is almost causing a rear-end collision, she almost ends up in a one-way street. Only seconds later she hears squealing tires and realises that the driver that almost crashed into her car has caused a severe accident ...

"Was it coincidence or a one-way street?" That was the given theme at the Instant36 film competition 2008, in which a film had to be created from scratch within only 36 hours.

Katharina Dietl (director, writer),
Nino Leitner (director, writer, dop, editor),
Dorothea Koniszewski (female lead)

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